Knowing your odds and outs are basic knowledge for a poker player. Math is not everything in poker, but it helps to know what your odds are when you are drawing to something or believe that your opponent are drawing against you. The math helps you to take the right decisions at the poker table so study the information below and keep them in mind when you sit down at your favorite poker room.

A lesson of this is that its not that often someone is holding to aces. You cant be to afraid about facing two aces. Sometimes you holding kings (220-1) and someone is holding Aces (220-1). Those times you are doomed to loose money, but most of the times your kings are good!

Other lessons by studying this table is that your opponent will miss the flop more often than they hit it! They will sometimes hold the nuts, but mostly not.
Also if you are facing several opponents its very likely that someone hit the flop. That’s why you don’t really want to slowplay your AA or KK in the pocket. You only want one opponent, otherwise there is a great risk that you need to improve to have the best hand.

Further down you will read about the pot-odds you need to call when you have certain odds. And to provide the link to this we also have an description about how many outs you would have if you know that you would hold the best hand if you hit the one of the cards you are looking for (you wont have this luxury very often, I am afraid).
You should remember that the pot-odds in front of you right at this moment is not the total hand. Especially if there is more than one player in the pot the implied odds can swing your fold to a call!

Be careful so you do not apply this table when you calculate your pot odds. This table is valid for odds-calculation if you are forced to go all-in and therefore don’t have to bet anything more on the later streets. The table can also give you some hints about implied odds, but you never know what your opponent is going to do so don’t count to much on this one counting your odds!

If you are ahead this table works as a guideline to much you can bet as a minimum to force your opponent to make mistakes. As an example, if you put your opponent on a four card flush, you now know that he has 9 outs since you do not have any of that suit in your hand. You have an two pair and the flush is his only out. If you bet half the pot on the turn he will in the long run lose money if he calls, if you don’t give him extra money at the river.