Poker books

Poker books are a great way to become a better poker player. This page shows some of the best poker books to get and help you improve your poker game. We list several poker books reviews. We show you what to read when you look for playing a specific type of holdem.
Poker odds

Knowing your odds and outs are basic knowledge for a poker player. Math is not everything in poker, but it helps to know what your odds are when you are drawing to something or believe that your opponent are drawing against you. The math helps you to take the right decisions at the poker table so study the information below and keep them in mind when you sit down at your favorite poker room.
Top Jakarta poker professions

The love of poker is the love of life. If you can monetize your passion, you can consider that life was a success. However, not everyone is ready to devote all their time to gambling, leaving it as a hobby. However, it is interesting to see in which professions the player’s qualities will be useful, isn’t it?
Ups and downs in Jenius poker

How can you deal with them without losing your bankroll?
If you have recently come to the world of online poker, you definitely still don’t care about such things with awesome names like down streak and up streak. However, as the time passes and as you gain skills, Jenius poker players who have learned to play will certainly encounter this kind of phenomenon. For general information – it is customary to frighten the downstream, but the upstream, on the contrary, are happy and these concepts are very enthusiastically discussed on forums.
Top raja poker rooms: what should you focus on when choosing countries where poker is allowed?

Countries where online poker is legalized and banned. What should you rely on when choosing a poker room and where are the best of them located? Is a license required to organize online poker activities?
Situs poker online and charity goals go hand in hand

We are so used to the fact that all gambling relates to bandits, showdowns and cheating. We don’t notice it at all. When it comes to helping loved ones or those in need. People who take part in the fate of others do not suffer from indifference. They are open-hearted and understanding.
Singapoker and football: what do they have in common?

The stands shout, people jump up from their seats and sit down again. In poker, it is so important to observe the “face” and not give out any emotions, so that the opponent will not read the information from your face.
Tournament Poker – become the New Poker Star

This chapter are about some basic tournament strategy. These ideas are the first steps to become a new player at the WSOP or the World Poker tour! We also give you ideas about how to study to become a better tournament player. Good luck and we hope that you are the next super star of poker!
Gambling Theory and Concepts

Basic gambling concept are needed if you want to become a long term winning player. It doesn’t matter if its poker or sportbook-betting you are playing at. If you don’t know what you are doing you will end up broke.
Below we teach you the basics. Gambling is a lot of fun and it can give you a nice profit to! We believe that you need some knowledge about gambling theory to be able to succeed at the poker tables.
Poker Player Strategy

Its important right from the beginning get to know how to play good. As a beginner poker player you need a strategy that is simple to learn and understand but still gives you an edge. Here we discuss starting hands, position and other topics that is important. We also give you a checklist that can be used for every poker hand at any level. That should cover what you need to know to be able to start playing profitable online poker. We cant guarantee it, but it worked for us.